70週年賞 (中小學組各三名)- 任選以下一地點作為今日的拍攝現場
- Ritz Ballroom Night Club, North Point北角麗池花園 (1954 Charter Night)
- Miramar Convention Hall 美麗華大酒店 (1964, 10th anniversary)
- Mandarin Hotel, 文華酒店 (1969, 15th anniversary, joint E&W celebration)
- Kingsburgh Restaurant in Causeway Bay, 京寶酒樓 銅鑼灣禮頓道1號 (1974, 20th anniversary, joint E&W celebration)
- Hilton Hotel, 希爾頓酒店, 香港中環皇后大道中2號 (1979, 25th anniversary)
- Furama Hotel 富麗華酒店, 香港中環干諾道中1號 (1984, 30th anniversary)
- Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) 香港會議展覽中心 (1989, 35th anniversary)
- Grand Hyatt Hotel香港君悅酒店 (1994, 40th anniversary)
- Jockey Club Shan Kwong Road Club House, Chater Room山光道馬會會所青雲閣 (1999, 45th anniversary)
- Aberdeen Marina Club深灣遊艇會 (2004, 50th anniversary)
- World Trade Centre Club, Causeway Bay香港世界貿易中心會(2009, 55th anniversary)
- Harbour Grand Hotel, Oil Street港島海逸君綽酒店 (2014, 60th anniversary)
- Regal Hong Kong Hotel Causeway Bay富豪香港酒店 (2019, 65th anniversary)
- Hong Kong Ocean Park Marriott Hotel 香港海洋公園萬豪酒店 (2024, 70th anniversary)
Luncheon Place
- 1954 luncheon at Winner House (310 King’s Rd),前身是北角雲華酒店中菜廳
- Lee Gardens Hotel, Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay 利園酒店
- Pak Lee Restaurant, 6 King’s Road, Causeway Bay百利大酒樓,英皇道 6號
- Excelsior Hotel Causeway Bay 怡東酒店
- Regal Hong Kong Hotel Causeway Bay富豪香港酒店
Special Project
- 1956 Victoria Park School for the Deaf (啟聲學校銅鑼灣興發街38號)