Date of commencement: Nov 15, 2022 (Tuesday midnight)
Date of deadline: December 15, 2022 (Thursday midnight)
Date of award notice: December 30, 2022 (Friday)
Date of award presentation : Third week of January 2023 (to be announced)
Date of exhibition: (venue to be arranged, Third week of January 2023) if COVID-19 situation permits (otherwise to be on-line display)

Category of participants

There are two categories for HK student photo contest :
(1) Category 1 – University / College students大專組
(2) Category 2 – Secondary / Primary School pupils中小學生組

(I) Submission of work

Please submit the work via as follows and subject to the following terms and conditions. There are some items in Forms that will require contestant to have a Google account. This includes only allowing contestant to respond one time (single entry restriction), asking for email address (spam/phishing prevention), and asking contestant to upload photo (from one’s own drive). (official website)
[email protected] (email enquiry) (photo submission)

A. Theme of HK student photo contest (using smartphone camera only, through a single work submission with HK contents, no subsequent replacement) 每名學生參賽者只可以參加單一組別以及提交1件智能手機拍攝香港題材作品。

e.g. HK city attractions (香港城市魅力)
e.g. HK scenery (香港風景)
e.g. HK people / portraits (香港人物 – 個人特寫、日常生活)

B. Photo specification 參賽作品格式-圖像技術要求

(1) Digital submission參賽作品須為數位檔案,拍攝器材限定使用smartphone智能手機拍攝之相片。
(2) File size and format所有檔案大小必須在20MB以下/ 須為JPEG或JPG格式
(3) Resolution至少1,600個像素寬(水平照片),或1,600個像素高(垂直照片)
(4) Minimal photo editing -請不要透過數位修圖手段強化或修改您的照片(除了少數對色彩平衡和銳利度進行之基本調校,以趨真實外)。我們希望看到透過您眼所見的香港,而非透過工具(photo editing) 。

C. HK photo contest – selection criteria 所有參加者必須確保作品質素符合大賽規則之標準。

(1) Deadline截止報名當日 (December 15, 2022),參賽者必需為11歲或以上 (age 11+, holding a valid HKID)。
(2) Unpublished work only 參賽之作品須於徵件期結束日前2年內拍攝(2020/11/15~2022/11/15期間內),且不得於任何公開賽事獲得任何獎項。
(3) Copyright參賽作品須全為參賽者本人之獨自創作,未侵犯其他任何個人或實體之版權、智慧財產權,亦未有違反其他法令情事。偽造或誤導照片內容之來源將導致喪失參賽資格。若任何參賽作品違反或侵害版權,其法律責任由參賽者自行負責,主辦機構概不負責。
(4) Contents參賽作品不得含有任何具歧視或不合宜之內容,主辦單位得自行判斷並排除該作品之參賽資格。若照片中之人物年齡未達Hong Kong居住地區所規定之法定成年人年齡,應確保其父母或法定監護人同意授權。當作品有任何爭議,參賽者應負責提出所需授權證明文件。
(5) Inspection主辦單位保留一切檢驗原始作品/來源素材以確認其符合參賽規則的權利。
(6) Selection of works有效參賽作品中選出得獎作品:(1)創意、(2)攝影品質、(3)攝影內容的真實性。 本攝影大賽優勝者將於December 30, 2022 前選出,並以電子郵件(email notice)通知。各評審之評審結果為最終決定,且具絕對約束力。
(7) Verification and validation 經通知獲獎者,須於通知期限內繳交作品之IMEI碼/ 手機內的原始作品檔案由主辦單位核實資格。若經查證上述資料曾被竄改,主辦單位有權立即取消該獲獎者資格。
(8) Youth protection procedures – RCHKIE will adhere to a system for managing program documentation and maintaining confidential records. Policies on the storage of electronic data and participants’ personally identifiable information would adhere to the guidelines from the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. (The contestant personal data would be deleted in 30 days after the award presentation.) 香港東區扶輪社遵從兒童保護政策及關於存儲電子數據和參與者個人身份信息的保護。香港東區扶輪社確認社交媒體平台不會將用戶的個人資料分享予第三方。香港東區扶輪社遵從個人資料保障與刪除指引。
所有收集的資料將在活動結束後 30 天內銷毀。參與者有權按照《個人資料(私隱)條例》要求查閱參與者的個人資料,而有關要求須以書面形式向主辦單位提出 ([email protected])。
(9) Rules本辦法未盡事宜,悉依細則及獎項說明之內容辦理,如相關規定與說明之中文與英文不一致,以中文為準。主辦單位保留解釋、修改及補充本參賽辦法、細則及獎項說明內容之權利。

D. Authorization授權條款


E. Free of liability and legal claims免責條款


F. Terms of reference條款


G. Award獎項

There are awards (supermarket gift coupons) to the 2 categories:
Champion (HK$2,500),
First runners-up (HK$1,500),
Second runners-up (HK$1,000)
and 10 merit awards (HK$500 each)
Category 1 – University / College students大專組 (冠亞季軍, 10名優異獎), kindly sponsored by PP Andrew Chen.
Category 2 – Secondary / Primary School pupils中小學生組 (冠亞季軍, 10名優異獎), kindly sponsored by Rtn Jason Chiu.

若得獎人喪失得獎資格、無法聯繫、未於收到得獎通知7日內回覆主辦單位,或拒絕收受獎項,該獎項將被追回,主辦單位有權單獨決定是否另擇人選授予獎項。主辦單位保留驗證任何參賽作品之有效性與原創性,以及驗證參賽者學生身分證明(HKID and school ID for students)之權利,並取消任何未遵守正式規定或以非正當手段干預賽程之參賽者之資格。主辦單位未能及時於比賽各階段執行此權利,不等同放棄該權利之行使。

H. Award Presentation(頒獎)

Award presentation ceremony will be arranged in Wanchai Tai Yau Shopping Center or Causeway Bay Regal Hotel (Third week of January 2023), subject to COVID-19 situation.
Photo Exhibition – (venue to be arranged and also subject to COVID-19 situation ) from
Third week of January 2023. FPF Foundation Limited (馮百福基金有限公司) has kindly contributed to the printing and framing of all selected photo works (A3 size) in the exhibition.

In case of COVID-19 situation, it may change to on-line display (when necessary).

QR code 1
Photo submission (大專組)
University & College Student

QR code 2
Photo submission (中小學生組)
Secondary & Primary School Pupil